Setting up a business in a pandemic.

I graduated in the middle of the pandemic and I must admit that this seemed devastating at the time. I had no hope for setting up my own business, so I started searching for a job instead. Thankfully, the job that I found has allowed me to slowly develop my business into what it is today! Working part time in a relevant job helped me to save up for the equipment and things that I needed to make my business a success and I even found a love for teaching at the same time.

I started to really promote my business in October even though I did not start meeting with clients until much later due to COVID-19. Gaining a following on social media and starting to make connections with potential clients really helped to establish a good platform to use once I started going out and working. I had a list of clients that I knew wanted to work with me once I started properly which meant that I had a good starting point.

Once I began actually going out to treat horses, I ensured that I was professional in my approach to not only the client and horse, but to the pandemic. People respected this and had lovely things to say about my business. At this point word of mouth, backed up by my social media presence, really started to allow me to become booked up.

Now I am busy week in week out and I am loving it! People assumed that I would stop with my part time job once the business began to flourish but I enjoy the variety and the sense of achievement and reward that lecturering brings with it, so I am going nowhere.


Returning your horse to work following a Tendon or Ligament injury